Maschinen Krieger MK44 Build Tutorial
Heya friends and Happy New Year!
Here are some shots of of my MK44 Ground Type Axeknight and MK44 Moon Type Whiteknight fully assembled, before paint.
Next here is my build video for the MK44 series and it’s based on what I’ve learned making 4 of them and filmed putting together these 2 versions. The textured “Axeknight” and a smooth “Whiteknight” Moon Type shown above.
I feel I need to let you know up front that I find Build Videos especially difficult to create flow with as I don’t feel I do anything really special - I really am just building the kits and stumbling through the steps. But I did have fun and I’ve tried to capture a handful of plans and steps that might help you as a pre-vis, so that you are not walking in to the build, blind. Plus I kept my pre-Ma.K self in mind, I remember how daunting these kits were to me when I came in from only making small airplanes and Warhammer 40k stuff.
Here are the main points I set out to help you with;
MK44 Build Tutorial Video
Sub-Assembly Strategy for;
Can + Handbrush
Tricky points and how to avoid & improve
Fixing Seam Lines with Texture - Economy of Effort
Fixing seemliness for a smooth finish version
Parts placement when the instructions are not clear
Here are the Chapters with their timestamps for you to drill down when you come back to watch again.
Sub Assembly Strategies 00,00
Positioning of Detail Parts 04;33
Seam Lines Step 1 - Glue 06;46
Seam Lines Step 2 - Plastic File 09;10
Seam Lines Step 3 - Texture with Mr Surfacer 500 10;06
Rivet Heads Fast & Easy 13;07
Whiteknight Challenge Points 17;08
Painting Seam Lines with Mr Surfacer 500 22;20
Bench Organisation Tip 25;08
Mr Surfacer Fail & Success Examples 25;47
My brainless way to clean Mr Surfacer Seamlines 27;23
Hobby Blade Damage 30;10
Whiteknight Clean Up Results & Closing 31;51
Hope this is a useful resource when it comes time to build your MK44s.
This is an extra detailed, behind the scenes video out of my sincere appreciation for the Paint on Plastic Patreon Community who’s donations bring the YouTube videos to you.
Please also consider signing up if you enjoy and would like to support my work here;
Thanks always and stay safe,
Welcome to Part 2 of my MASKENBALL Weathering Masterclass—the ultimate guide to advanced scale modeling weathering techniques for Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) builds!!