Scale Model Weathering for Sci-Fi Beginners with Lincoln Wright
Maschinen Krieger MK44 Whiteknight Weathering Tutorial using commercial products plus suggested alternatives as a blurry Pin Wash.
Or the gag title I considered…
“Git Gud Space Weathering by some noob”
Hello friends and welcome! Space Model Weathering for Beginners and how to use the pin-wash technique to add depth, detail and weathering effects to your model.
This approach can really be used on all genres of scale models, this time I am demonstrating on a classic Space White finish for you and this way of doing it is especially attractive and appropriate on Maschinen Krieger Space Models. The one I show is a MK44 Whiteknight and it’s a 1/20 scale plastic model kit from Hasegawa Models.
For more information, please visit my “How to Buy Ma.K” Guide here. or scroll down to the image of the Axkneight below.
This technique can be done with both commercially available products as well as home made, let me take you through 2 easy versions of it.
Dry and wet.
Here are the products that I feel would be fine to use in a similar way to what I am showing you here. All are compatible with mineral spirits, odourless thinners as well as Zippo lighter fluid. Really!
Nice and easy, fast too. Hope that was useful for you, please like and subscribe. Because YouTube.
Please sign up for “Get Emails from Linc” at the top of the homepage because I have the full build, paint and weathering steps for this model and more in the MK44 Guide publication that will be available shortly. (I’ve collaborated with my mentors, Kow Yokoyama Sensei and Max Watanabe for a total of 14 different and unique MK44 models. Wow right?)
Please let me mention my appreciation for the Paint on Plastic Patreon Community who’s donations bring these videos to you and support my work.
Thanks always and stay safe,
Welcome to Part 2 of my MASKENBALL Weathering Masterclass—the ultimate guide to advanced scale modeling weathering techniques for Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) builds!!