Maschinen Krieger Competition 2019 Winners and Feedback with Lincoln Wright
Our first Ma.K competition held by the Official International Ma.K Ambassador Lincoln Wright is complete, please watch for the winners and feedback!
Heya friends, we are done, our first Paint on Plastic Maschinen Krieger Competition is finished and the results are in.
First things first, let’s thank YOU for making this a success and let me confess, I was seriously nervous that we wouldn’t have enough entries to cover prizes, man that would have been embarrassingly funny right?
But no, even with a relatively niche area such as Maschinen Kreiger run on my tiny YouTube Channel, we still had 128 entries. Wow right? But here’s the big wow, 62 of you finished!! That’s a huge win right now, almost 50% of entries finishing, so congratulations to you there. Any finished model is a win!
Next, before we get further into the details, I've probably NOT been thanking the sponsors enough throughout the comp so want to make mention once more, because these poor guys said “yes” to nothing, in that we had no idea it would go this big right off. So thank you very much to Anthony of ACS Brandco in Melbourne Aussie and the one and only Rhyan San Pedro. Please visit their stores and buy stuff or check out their online details in the description below and throw some money love at them for being so cool about this.
ACS Brandco
Ok, results without further adieu. We’ve got 2 Gold Winners, 2 Silver and 2 Linc’s Choice Winners followed by the full entry gallery.
I wish I had more prizes to hand out because so many of you deserve it so let’s see what we can do next time, would you be interested if we made this an annual event around the same time? I’ve done my best to choose entries that best show what Ma.K is and how it looks to help people new to Ma.K to get a good feel for the genre and enable them to jump in and make this stuff with us. It doesn’t need to be eleaborate and you don’t have to do it this way but as our first, quasi official internaltional online Ma.K comp, I am sure you understand that I feel a certain amount of duty due to the positon Kow Yokoyama sensei has given me to do best by him and hte future of this wonderful genre.
As a special bonus from myself to you, Paint on Plastic Patreon Supporters will receive personal feedback on their entries -if wanted-, PoP Brobot level with text chat feedback and hints and Epic Brobots can have a bonus 30min voice feedback session with me. You invest in yourself and support this community, I'm more than happy to invest in and support you right back!
Again, congratulations to all of you who finished. Finishing a model is always a win and I hope you enjoyed seeing this competition unfold across our community, on instagram with the hashtags of paintonplastic, in our Facebook Group and all across the internet, super happy and proud that you shared your fine work.
Hope this was a fun and educational for everyone and I’ll reach out to our winners personally and tee you up with our sponsors - again thanks to Anthony of ACS Brandco in Melbourne and Rhyan San Pedro from Hobbyco in Sydney.
Thanks again and more soon,
Gold Winners
Silver Winners
Linc’s Choice Winners
2019 Full Entry Gallery

Join us!
This Competition brought to you by the Paint on Plastic Patreon Supporters - thank you very much guys!
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