The Robot Christmas Wreath by Kiriosities
Hello friends, here’s a wonderful community share for the festive season. Our friends Grant & Kiri sent us a lovely Christmas wreath, albeit with a twist of a very cool theme.
See what I mean?
So. Much. Robot!
But first, let me tell you the story of why I thought someone was messing with me because I have never received something so original like this before.
First thing was a notification from the Post Office. But we haven’t bought anything…
The person had to retrieve it from another storage room because it’s crazy big.
Wonder why it’s so light?
Wait a second, would my friends be crazy enough to ship me a whole box of empty as a gag? Maybe but….
Of course, afterwards we discover if we had read the packing label it CLEARLY states what is inside but reading is totally overrated… It’s a box, you just hurry and open it because it must be a present right?!
Once we are confident there is actually something inside, we call in an expert to supervise- a child! Together we all start carefully unwrapping and a series of gasps and “awwww!” sounds ensue as we discover each little vintage robot.
How cool are all these little vintage robots!?! The thought and care that went into this is so touching, it’s true, I really do love vintage robots from my earliest memories and this fits so perfectly into our home. The shot with the lights is outside my studio workroom, now I pass a bunch of little smiling robots on my way in. How cool is that?
Tomoe picked out the little UFO pilot as her favourite and there was much repeating, “Kawaii!” and Tabs sat there for some time, looking at and picking out details on each one. Both can be considered great design wins!
Thank you very much Kiri & Grant, this really made our Christmas extra special. We are at home and staying safe yet somehow, a bunch of little vintage robots showed up from LA and you made this happen. We super appreciate you!
Loved this so much, just had to add this to my blog and share with our community, hope you also enjoyed reading this and checking out the cool robots.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays friends!
Want to see more of Kiri’s curious creations?
Our "Warbirds" Group Build is GO!!