Exciting Ma.K Restocks: How to Use Our New Waitlist Function and Secure Your Favorite Bundles

Essential Großer Hund Collector’s Bundle

Hey, Fellow Ma.K Enthusiasts!

Thanks to your amazing support for the bundles, I've been working on a little side quest to source more kits just for you. The good news? We tested out the waitlist function on the new webstore, and it worked like a charm! Shoutout to "Spudhimself" for finally scoring an Ultimate Großer Hund Collector’s Bundle—well done!

For those of you still on the hunt, a few Essential Großer Hund Bundles are up for grabs, along with Luna Combat Bundles and Sea Pig pre-orders!

Heads Up About the Waitlist!

I wanted to give you a quick heads-up on how the waitlist works. When I restock a product, I can hit a button, and you'll get a notification that it's back in. Works as advertised! However, there’s one catch I wasn’t aware of: once I notify the marketplace and the waitlist about a restock, the list resets to zero. So, if you're still after a certain product, be sure to sign up for the waitlist again, even if you got the notification but missed out on the product. I know it’s an extra step, but I want to make sure you get the kits you’ve been waiting for!

Thanks for sticking with me, and happy building!