Gunpla Group Build - Embracing the Art of Gunpla FreeDumb!

Calling all Gunpla enthusiasts and rebels! Get ready to throw the rulebook out the window and embrace your inner "GunDumb" creativity!

The Mission:

- Take your favorite Gunpla models and turn them into hilarious, unconventional masterpieces.

- Think outrageous paint schemes, wacky modifications, and downright ridiculous interpretations.

- The more creative and humorous, the better!

All Scales Welcome!

- From tiny High Grades to massive Perfect Grades, all scales are fair game.

- Don't be afraid to get weird and wonderful with your builds!

Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K) Models: The Wildcard!

- Our favorite sci-fi models are always welcome to join the "GunDumb" party!

- Go ahead, add giant hats, silly weapons, or neon pink paint - we won't judge (much)!

Join the "GunDumb" Revolution!

- Share your most side-splitting, jaw-dropping, and awe-inspiring builds with us.

- Let's celebrate the art of Gunpla done wrong and have a blast doing it!

So, get building, and remember these immortal words....

"GunDumb is the new Gunpla FreeDumb!"

Q3 July to End of September
Discord WIP Channels is here!