Maschinen Krieger Großer Hund Early Type Waterslides are tough!
“Alje” The Big Dog WIP continued…
Heya folks, hope you are super well!
Super busy and productive weekend here, how good is the Großerhund Early Type looking?
First of all I've applied the waterslides. There aren't too many but they are all on curves and Hasegawa does not disappoint, they are nicely challenging.
My best tip is to not rely on solutions for them too much and go a little more what I feel is "proactive". Burn them! Ok, kidding but they really are just little films of plastic and heat works beautifully on them. We do need to be careful of both not of burning the plastic itself or the paint and what I do is have my fingers in there. Once it's a little warm for comfort, it seems more than fine to have the decals settle down.
How good is the little "Alje" marking for the Big Dog? It's perfect for the black and white, simplistic iconography.
Hope you are liking how this is progressing, I am just crazy about the Großerhund series now!!
I have some more photos and other details for you on my Patreon and Discord Server.
Please join us!