Maschinen Krieger Competition 2022 Gallery Winners and Feedback with Kow Yokoyama Sensei

Hello friends, here are the results and home to the amazing entries for the 2022 Ma.K Competition.
It’s taken a little longer to organize compared with previous years, sadly because the kind person helping me organize this, Mr. Andy Butcher passed away suddenly. He is dearly missed.
To honor Andy and all the work you’ve all put into your entries, we decided to press on and do our very best.

We’ve also invited Kow Yokoyama Sensei, Max Watanabe Sensei, and Master Bryan “Maschinen” Krueger for judging and feedback. Please consider this both a “Competition” and “Showcase” as we’ve done our best to blend both worlds for you into a truly authentic & unique experience.
Thank you in advance for your patience, as you can imagine we have been incredibly busy with getting my new book “The Ma.K Lincoln Report Vol.1 MK44 Guide” shipped out to you!
Many thanks always,
The Andy Butcher Gallery
Our late and great friend was such a fan of the Ma.K Comps and well all out for this year’s event. So happy for him that he managed to finish all three of his entries.
I wish I could tell him how proud I am of his work and his diligent improvement. Andy found me from Gunpla content on YouTube and became extremely interested and really good with Maschinen Krieger kits. His works and photography skills over the last 3 years were still improving rapidly.
What impressed me the most was that Andy was always willing to listen and take new ideas and make them his own. So not only was Andy one of the most helpful people on the Paint on Plastic team but had grown into a fantastic artist in his own right.
The high quality & accuracy of the writing in “The Ma.K Lincoln Report Vol.1 - The MK44 Guide” is largely due to the proofreading and kind suggestions from Andy who we have credited with “English to English” translations, a joke he found hilarious.
He's dearly missed and here we can enjoy his last works. So proud and happy with them, for him.
Thanks Andy!
Kow Yokoyama Sensei’s Comments on Andy’s Works
Oskar - グリーン系迷彩がカッコイイ。傾いた展示も最高にアクティブでクール!
“The green tone of the camouflage is excellent. The titled display gives motion, it’s very cool.”
Lunadiver- リアルな感じが素晴らしい!スタンドも黒なので宇宙に見えます。ライトも効果的!
“So much realism! The black base really adds to the feeling of it being in space. Very effective lighting too.”
Falke - 崖のギリギリを飛行するシーン 最高にスリリング!!とても上手い展示です。
“So thrilling to see the Falke flying much too close to the cliffs! A brilliant display!
The Paint on Plastic 2022 Competition and Group Build RESULTS
First Place to Chris Tsang @tsangypaints with his fantastic MK44.
ミニマルな空間にギュッと凝縮されたシーンがとても心地よいvignetteです。表情や仕草が可愛らしくてホッコリさせられました。So Cute 🎶
Max Sensei; “Within such a tight and minimal space, you’ve developed a deep and exciting scene. It’s a very comfortable vignetter to look at. The pose and expression on the figure is lovely and so cute. “
Second Place goes to Shawn Elliott @shawnelliott8388 with his beautifully rendered MK44 AMMOknight and Pilot.
Third Place goes to Tze Lim @tzescalemodels with his amazing MK44 Whiteknight.
Our Award of Merit goes to this excellent custom suit by Fabrizio Bonifacio @slowbuilder.
Not Suit/Vehicles
First Place to Henrik "Krumme" Thomsen @modelsbykrumme with his amazing Falke hovering over the water.
Second Place goes to Adam Payne @body__hammer with this incredible Camel kit based creation.
Third place is awarded to our Andy Butcher @abc_mecha for his Oscar.
様々なウェザリングテクニックを縦横に使いこなしていますね♪臨場感抜群でSo Beautiful 🎶
Max Sensei; “The various weathering effects have been applied and layered expertly. It gives me the feeling of being there and experiencing it directly. So beautiful!”
Our Award of Merit goes to this excellent dinobot custom by Leonard Ellis. @first_rule_of_model_building
First Place to Kin Ming Cho @kinmingcho for his Großerhund Versus Raptor Pilot Vignette.
Max Sensei; “You’ve expressed the moment of action perfectly, like a scene from a movie and it’s very exciting!”
Second Place goes to Kevin David @little.plastic.people with his Camel and AFS Vignette.
Third place goes to Shawn Elliott @shawnelliott8388 for his diorama.
Our Award of Merit goes to Philip Lee more from Philip here! for his excellent, windswept vignette.
First Place to Natalie Jatbi#3811 (Discord) for her full Maschinen breakfast!
Max Sensei; “The quality and realism of the “food” is very high. The egg color is so believable and the tomatoes remind me of the eggs in the Alien movies opening up!”
Second Place goes to Ray Meur @ray_meur
Third Place goes to Christopher Wright @wrightvaldezmodeling
Our Award of Merit goes to Leo Kwok @leokwokphoto
The Full Paint on Plastic Maschinen Krieger Competition and Group Build Gallery for 2022
Dear friends, I must humbly admit that I can do better for you. I missed at least these 2 entries and they were both not presented to the judges and not included with the main galley that follows directly below them. I am sincerely sorry about this, they are both fantastic builds of high quality and you invested a great deal of time and passion into doing your very best. I need to do my best to improve for you.
Next year, I will once again publish a “soft copy” version of the gallery before sending it to the judges to try to avoid missing any entries. For this, I will need your help to ensure no entries are missed, and sincerely thank you in advance for your support.