Camel Masterclass Weathering Part 1 of 2 Exclusive Preview

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Hey folks, in the video I’m going to show you an example finish of a Sci-Fi Luna combat machine and share the steps that I think are most useful in achieving this finish.

I’ve included the key processes and paints I’ve used to detail my Ma.K Luna Camel to give an impression of it being used in Luna Combat during “Operation Dynamo” where the Mercenary Forces, who this Heavy Recon walker and pilot fights for against their oppressors, the Strahl Demokratik Republik. Yes, I will write this story up for you, in English, for the Ma.K Lincoln Report Vol. 2.

Yes, we can collectively refer to them as the weathering steps and yes you can transfer these over to all kinds of larger-scale models for cool effects. They are not at all genre or property specific. Hope you like it!



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