Ma.K in SF3D Archive Vol.4 Special Book Review
Ma.K in SF3D Archive Vol.4 Special
Ma.K in SF3D Archive Vol.4 Special Book Review
More goodness for the 40th year anniversary of Maschinen and the very aptly named “Ma.K in SF3D Archive Vol.4 Special” book has been released!!
The 4th in the series and wow, it’s a surprising jump in thickness too at 224 pages of archived Ma.K monthly shoots collated into a mighty tome of Maschinen goodness!
Covering the period from the middle of 2013 to the end of 2015 it’s just amazing to me how much was covered. Indeed, when first opening the book I was surprised to see my name at the top of one of the first articles (Lin.k), and to see model finishes I had completely forgotten! An archive indeed and a wonderful publication of unique works with so much fun and modeling goodness contained.
The 1980’s style of photography by Master Hommatsu is always an inspiration and brings the works to life as does the highly detailed explanations by Mr. Tomoyuki Katoo san of Rainbow Egg who is also featured in the articles as “Katoo”.
Please enjoy a sample of pages that jumped out at me as I did my second read and yes of course, I also took the opportunity to copy Sensei with the “Synchro Cover Shot”. 40th-year logos look so great together!
Straight into my bookshelf to complete the growing collection.
Excellent book and congratulations on 40 years of Maschinen Krieger.
Extra special thanks to Kow Yokoyama Sensei and Max Watanabe Sensei for the signed copy. Such a treasure!