Maschinen Krieger Book in English Review by the Author, Lincoln Wright

Hello friends, do you remember a year or so ago I shared with you that the first ever English book for the Maschinen Krieger universe was in production? Well, even better, we’ve finished and it’s available now, in time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the series. A huge congratulations to the creator of the series, Kow Yokoyama Sensei who’s also been kind enough to share with us his own feedback and thoughts on the book as has our good friend, Sci-Fi modeling legend Kallamity who has his own copy. 

Please watch for their thoughts towards the end, first I’d like to share a quick overview and review by the author, Lincoln Wright, yes it’s me.

The Ma.K Lincoln Report Vol.1 is 128 pages of pure art, joy, and love of sci-fi. Mad respect to the layout designer, Alexandre Duchamp who you will also see online on “Maschinen Heimat”. We’ve been close friends for many years now and Alex himself is a highly skilled modeler and a big fan of the series, so he instinctively knew how best to share both my works and the property itself. Yes, that really helps. Large-scale, expressive photos in a clean and elegant format. It’s very much an art book as much as a “how-to” and genre tribute. 

As a first in the series, we wanted this book to be a helpful introduction, something tangible for those of us that enjoy having something on the background, the who’s and the why’s so as to give our models direction and help us with our narratives. So there are summaries on what is Maschinen Krieger, what is the MK44, and how does one model these things along with many examples of possible paint schemes and weathering tips. 

We’ve also included 30 pages of the one and only Max Watanabe Sensei who breaks down a selection of his favorite MK44 finishes for us, in English. A world first for us Sci-Fi modelers to enjoy! He’s so pleased with being in this book, he immediately asked for 2 more copies. It’s Max Watanabe so, of course, I said “yes!”.

Next to Kow Sensei himself, he wrote publicly in his Facebook Group;

“Thank you, great MK44 love!

Mr. Lincoln Wright, 

He has completed a wonderful book.

The pictures are very large, so just looking at the technique of painting and scratching and more nice technic will make you better!”

And to Alex Duchamp on design he added,;

“Your art work is powerful design

I like this book

Thank you so much”

As you can imagine, this just made our day to receive such high praise. 

We also have wonderful feedback from Kallamity who wrote;

“I’ve watched at it carefully and man, everything’s amazing. I especially enjoyed the layout, the photography is unbelievable and I loved all the close-ups that make enjoying all the weathering and details. Possibly one of the best Books about modeling I’ve seen. Great job”

Hi praise indeed, many thanks Kallamity!

So if this sounds like something you’d enjoy having, please zoom over to my bookstore and get yours now whilst stocks last, and always, a heartfelt thank you to the Paint on Plastic Patreon supporters for enabling this to happen. Let’s kick off a group build to celebrate. More details to follow soon!!