Airbrush Compressor for Beginners Sparmax Beetle Review by Lincoln Wright
Hey guys, I'm always asked about the tools for our hobby, especially for airbrushing. I understand, it's really complicated and there's so much out there!
I've been pretty excited to test out the new Beetle by Sparmax. It's an entry level, portable Airbrush Compressor for Gunpla and scale model hobby use.
Short video, I do an unbox and out it through it's paces with some new Gaia Notes paints!
Let's #supportlocal, I buy my paints, tools and model kits from Hobbyco!On my recent order I found out that they for FREE SHIPPING on orders within Australia over $50!! Let's Support Local and Visit them in Sydney in the QVB or online here;
Thanks guys, hope it. helps!!
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