Gunpla Custom Colors with Lincoln Wright - Yes I am the noob!

Heya friends,

Ok, I've recovered... mostly... from hosting the Ma.K 2021 Comp and wow that's been just the best! Remember, you can still email me your finished photos for the galleries - cut off is end of April.

Back to it and something very different to help re-fill our creative bank accounts. This is something I find very helpful, if I keep working at the same things it's like constantly making withdrawals but if I switch it up, it's like coming back fresh and full of ideas. 

In this video I do my best to walk you through my choices for the MG Jegan with some friendly advice and a lightweight "template" for putting together your own custom color ways. 

Hope you enjoy this one!


Below are some workbench test photos of my Jegan, gallery is on the way!!